Monday, June 7, 2010

Coincidence??? No Way!!!

After many years of calling myself a Christian and watching as God gently draws me closer to Himself through various means, I am in awe of His impeccable timing. Yesterday as part of my daily Bible reading, I read Joshua chapters 4-6. As I was off to work and listening to a podcast of my older, and much wiser brother in Christ, Dr. Ravi Zacharias, he started by reading from Joshua Chapter 4. At this point my mind is blown and all I can think of is God saying "wake up! pay attention! I have not written this book to lull you to sleep with the same stories over and over again! My Word is ultimate truth and I have something to say to you every day! Desire My Word more than the food you eat!"

The passage had to do with remembering what God has done. When Joshua was told to choose one man from each of the 12 tribes of Israel to go get a stone from the dry bed of the Jordan river while God had stopped the flow of it and made the water upstream into a wall before the Ark of the Covenant while the entire nation of Israel crossed over. They took the stones to where they camped that night at Gilgal and set them up as a memorial for future generations to remember what God has done for His people. He did to the Jordan as He had done 40 years earlier to the Red Sea.

God has given us His Word and preserved it through the ages. How we need to remember and to seek Him who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, immeasurably more than we could ever ask or imagine!

I love it when what some would call chance or coincidence, happens on a regular basis, far beyond all mathematical possibility and it is as though God is authenticating His word to us. I remember a submarine movie I watched years ago, though I can't remember the name. The command was given from the president to launch a nuclear missile. Because of the weight of that command and the serious implications of carrying it out, there was an authentication code that must accompany it before the order could be followed. I believe God authenticates the truth of His Word in incredible ways and very often! He gives us His Holy Spirit to guide us into all truth and our part is to draw near to Him and He will draw near to us.


  1. The movie was Crimson Tide.

    It truly is amazing to know how God has all the details worked out... way ahead of time.

    Psalm 139.

  2. Thanks for the memory jog and Psalm 139 is my favorite Psalm. The Authentication continues!

  3. Thanks Eric..very well written!! :o) I think you have found one of your coincidences! You are such a blessing!! LY
